Getting Things Done by David Allen
Getting Things Done by David Allen
🚚 ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি সারা বাংলাদেশ 📦
🕒 ৭২ ঘন্টার মধ্যে সারা দেশ এ ডেলিভারি.
Getting Things Done by David Allen
How does the book help you do things better?
One of the most common sources of frustration is hidden behind our little chores we have to do day by day. David has a take-no-prisoners approach: list everything you have in front of you and handle it, otherwise this procrastination will kill you. At this point, prioritisation makes no sense. To my surprise, this little principle does wonders. You have to have a system though, which is explained in the book very well. This is probably the best gem in the book: it gives you an workflow system that you can use without fail every day. David talks about how more complex tasks are actually projects, and he shows you how to manage that project naturally, using common sense. David then makes you look at this from the perspective of your personal life. He takes you on a nice flight from the ground level (daily little chores) to high altitude where you can view the distant horizons of your life. As usual, David alerts you that before you go up, make sure you do a good job on the ground. David says that the practice shows that this is the best way to discover your call and what is it really what you want. It makes sense: if you keep getting frustrated in seemingly never ending entangled tasks, you may never know what is it really that gives you pleasure and what is your natural talent.
The main ideas of the book
Workflow of the human activities: the humans are systems that have data input, process engine and output. Productivity is about managing all these three areas. David describes a very simple workflow that is made up of five steps:
1. Collect: get it out of your head
2. Process: decide what to do with it.
3. Organise: Decide where to put the stuff.
4. Review. Critical part of the workflow: weekly review.
5. Do.
📌 Genre: Self-help Book.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
📖 Premium Quality Books.
➡️ Best Printing quality.
➡️ Eye Pleasing paper.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback).