Misquoting Muhammad by Jonathan A.C. Brown
Misquoting Muhammad by Jonathan A.C. Brown
🚚 ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি সারা বাংলাদেশ 📦
🕒 ৭২ ঘন্টার মধ্যে সারা দেশ এ ডেলিভারি.
Misquoting Muhammad by Jonathan A.C. Brown
A very well written book, that sheds light on how revelation is ultimately prone to the unlimited understanding of man and how learned Muslims of Al-Islaam have tried both explaining the texts and also designing a detailed system that limits the parameters of human understanding used to interpret the texts.
This book has also made me realize just the sheer intricacy of the Islamic disciplines, especially the Hadith sciences, thinking about it has caused me to appreciate the efforts of the Ulama even more as they act as guides to an Ummah that is mostly comprised of laymen, bombarded with attacks made to question and doubt the validity of Islam and the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW).
📌 Genre: Islamic Books.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
📖 Premium Quality Books.
➡️ Best Printing quality.
➡️ Eye Pleasing paper.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback).