The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
🚚 ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি সারা বাংলাদেশ 📦
🕒 ৭২ ঘন্টার মধ্যে সারা দেশ এ ডেলিভারি.
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
This book is a good introduction to the Lean Startup approach to building and launching products for new markets. This book draws upon numerous works that have addressed the dynamics of new markets, discovering what customers really want, fact-based decision making and lean manufacturing.
What is interesting is the way Lean Startup brings these ideas together into a cohesive and powerful framework. A framework built around a fundamental insight: building a new products for a new market should be considered a high risk experiment. Or rather, a series of experiments that successively prove (or disprove) whether we are building products that customers actually want.
So, make assumptions explicit, test them vigorously, learn, repeat. Iterate through this loop as quickly as possible by deploying cross functional teams that build the product in small batches.
📌 Genre: Business & Money, Management & Leadership.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
📖 Premium Quality Books.
➡️ Best Printing quality.
➡️ Eye Pleasing paper.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback)